
1. The Hike shall be open to any person over the age of 14 years on or before the date of the event. Any person under the age if 18 must either walk with an adult, or be in a junior team of 4.

2. The object is to complete the course visiting all the Checkpoints in the correct order. Each competitor MUST carry the minimum equipment as follows:
(a) Appropriate & adequate footwear, clothing and waterproofs
(b) 1:25000 Leisure Map "The South Pennines" (not photocopied pages) *
(c) Compass (which you must be able to use) *
(d) Whistle
(e) Survival Bag
(f) A personal mug must be carried for drinks at checkpoints
* For a team of four, 2 maps and 2 compasses will be sufficient.

3. Hikers may only retire at roadside checkpoints. Tallies must be surrendered and only Official Hike Transport may be used.

4. Bonus time will only be allowed at the discretion of the Hike Organiser or his representative.

5. Competitors must ensure that they are fully conversant with the location of and list of Checkpoints. A complete and fully up-to-date list will be on view at the start from 0600 hours on the day of the Hike.

6. Competitors will be disqualified for:
(a) Receiving assistance of any kind.
(b) Transferring places on the event. If you are unable to compete inform the Entries Secretary. Fees will be refunded (less 20% admin fee), or you can transfer your entry to another person up to 7 days before the date of the Hike.
(c) In the opinion of the Checkpoint Officer he/she is unfit to continue.
(d) Failing to wear or carry specified equipment.
(e) Losing his/her tally.
(f) Knowingly misleading the Organisers with regard to the Competitors Class, ie. walkers running and trying to claim a walkers prize. A check will be made throughout the Hike.
(g) Failing to comply with the rules of the Hike.

7. In cases of inclement and severe weather hikers may be grouped, at the discretion of the Checkpoint Officer.

8. No dogs allowed on the Hike.

9. Any team changes or late team entries must be notified to the Entries Secretary at least one hour before the start.

10. All competitors must aim to complete the event by 8.00pm. There will be a chop time at later checkpoints and these will depend on the weather forecast and will be announced on the morning of the event.

11. In addition to the above the Organisers also reserve the right to impose Chop Times at earlier checkpoints and withdraw from the Hike at any point any entrant who, in the sole opinion of the Organisers, is affecting the smooth running of the Hike through failing to arrive at earlier checkpoints within what the Organisers deem to be reasonable times.

12. The organisers have set an upper limit of 350 entrants. If this limit is reached by the time online entries close at 6.00pm on Thursday, April 3rd 2025 then no entries will be allowed on the day of the event. If the event is full this will be published on the website and on SiEntries.

13. The Organisers' decision is final and they cannot accept responsibility for ANY mishap or injury sustained during the Hike.

14. All team entries must stay together throughout the hike.

15. Entrants may, if they wish, change to the Short Route at Nab Water Lane, or the Medium Route at Clough Foot by informing the checkpoint marshal at these locations, however, changes can only be made to a shorter route.

17. The Organisers retain the right to incorporate any additional rules as they think necessary.




Stoodley Pike

Organised by:
24th St Paul's Scout Group
Sowerby Bridge